INFO The story starts with an honest police officer Inspector Rakesh Kadam (Sudhanshu Pandey), posted at Colva police station is forced to commit sucide by Jaikant Shikre (Prakash Raj) a big-time extortionist with shady mafia dealings, who falsly accused him of corruption.
Bajirao Singham (Ajay Devgn) a brave and honest policeman settles every dispute in his town Shivgarh patiently with his words of wisdom and resorts to force only when the situation demands it. Kavya Bhosle (Kajal Aggarwal), a city girl who comes on vacation along with her father Gautam aka Gotya (Sachin Khedekar). Next, Kavya falls in love with Bajirao Singham after he beats up some goons who harass her in a movie theater.
Everything seems to be smooth-running until the Goa-based Jaikant Shikre, is required to travel to Shivgarh to sign a conditional bail. Jaikant sends one of his henchmen to sign in his place. An angry Bajirao Singham demands that Jaikant come in person for the signature and this starts tensions between them. Jaikant, unable to do anything because the town is under the control of Bajirao Singham and his supporters, leaves humiliated. When Singham gets promoted to an Inspector, Jaikant uses his political Clout to get him transferred to Colva police station in Goa in order to extract revenge.
In Goa, Kavya's sister is kidnapped by Jaikant Shikre, and in the process Singham uncovers a scam run by Shikre in which he kidnaps children. Bajirao Singham, with unexpected help from the Director General of Police and entire police department, brings Jaikant Shikre to end and clearing Rakesh of the corruption charges. Also, Kavya's father who was hostile to Singham softens up and agrees to give him Kavya's hand for marriage.
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