INFO The film revolves around a struggling road constructor, Sachin Tichkule (Akshay Kumar). He dreams big but there seems to be no chance of his dreams coming true as he doesn't have any money to bribe the bureaucracy. To make matters worse, the new municipal commissioner turns out to be his former girlfriend, Gehna Ganpule (Trisha Krishnan), who now hates him. His brothers in law Trigun (Manoj Joshi), Suhas Vichare (Milind Gunaji), and his elder brother (Paritosh Sand) were all responsible for bridge collapsing case in which several people were killed. They were helped by a politician Sanjay Rana (Jaideep Ahlawat). After saved by their driver Vishwas Rao (Tinu Anand) they kill him in future if he tells truth. Meanwhile Sanjay's lustful eyes fall on Sachin's sister Anjali (Urvashi Sharma). Sachin warns him by slapping in his office. Meanwhile Azad Bhagat (Makrand Deshpande) wants justice. His family was killed in that accident. When Azad collects evidence he watches Sachin's sister being raped by Sanjay's friends. When Azad goes in court he is killed by Sanjay's goons. In the climax there is a cat & mouse fight between Sanjay and Sachin in which Sanjay is accidentally killed down by the truck. At the end, his father realises that Sachin was truthful and sincere while his brothers were not doing good by corruption.