INFO The film was not reviewed by a sufficient number of contributing critics to be rated at the review aggregating site Rotten Tomatoes. Rachel Saltz of The New York Times said the film "seems torn between two storytelling modes: episodic with a documentary flavor and action-driven pulp. It makes a hash of both." She added, "For some reason [it] has been dubbed into heavily accented English for American release, adding an unnecessary 'What did he say?' level of difficulty." Frank Lovece of Film Journal International echoed that, saying, the film "plays like one of those stiff historical drams that educational-film companies make for schools. Or in this case, an outsourced educational-film company."Adam Keleman of Slant believed, "The unforgivable flaw of the film is its lack of subtlety, the way character detail and plot development is laid for us on a silver platter, never requiring the audience to ... fully engage with the intricacies of the lead character's internal and moral quandary.